Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Top 5 resasons why I love my Nana -- A photo collage by Zeus

5. She gives me lots of cuddles.

4. She and Alice can't keep track of who fed me, so at least once I got two dinners out of it. I love my chicken and rice! (Yes, that's rice on my nose!)

3. She dresses me up like a girl...well I don't really like that, but I'll take every bit of attention that I can get.

2. She takes me for lots of walks.

1. She keeps me busy and wears me out!

Xanex makes me do bad things

Zeus is busy contemplating in this picture... Why am I being so stubborn? Why am I not listening? Why am I jumping on counter tops, beds, and couches? Why am I jumping on innocent, unsuspecting people afraid of dogs in the hallway? The Xanex made me do it!

Since Zeus was not responding to Xanex particularly well as an anti-anxiety medication, we switched to Lorozapam and it is working much better for him. Zeus stays home everyday by himself for a few hours and we are seeing significant results!